STEAM Fun4Kids


~ What is STEAM? ~

You have probably heard or read that STEM is the acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. You may even have taken one or more of these subjects in your school career. However, STEAM with the Arts added in is not what you studied in school.

So throw away any preconceived ideas or attitudes you have about science, math, engineering, and technology and be ready to learn an engaging and exciting approach to designing wonder-filled, creative learning experiences for young children.

Girl measuring height STEAM Fun4kidsWe start with STEM

STEM education is an integrated approach to solving problems and taking on real world challenges. It is project-based, hands-on and multi-disciplinary. It draws on the sciences, mathematics, engineering and the uses of technology to engage children in learning and developing positive attitudes to STEM areas. The term STEM was coined several years ago as part of the New Generation National Science Standards.

To learn more watch the following short videos

STEM Education Overview 

STEM What is It? 

Then We Add in the ArtsSTEAM Fun4kids

STEAM goes beyond the 4 STEM subjects. The A stands for the arts. These include the visual arts, music, dance, drama, and literature. In STEAM education the focus is on nourishing children’s curiosity, imagination,  and creativity by drawing on the arts in the context of exploring science, math, technology, and engineering projects.

Well-designed STEAM activities teach children to become astute observers and creators and introduce them to the critical thinking skills needed for successful careers and the enjoyment of life.

What happens when the arts are integrated into STEM education?

It’s explosive!

For a better understanding of STEAM watch this video


What you will find on this site…

STEAM Projects for kids and their parents

Standard-based STEAM lessons for teachers

Links to STEAM resources

Technology tips

Current trends and issues in STEAM Education

And plenty of STEAM…

Join us as we help kids explore, experiment, measure, calculate, design, structure, and communicate about our universe.